Healthy Ageing

Balance disorders: Do you have these symptoms?

Symptoms checker to assess balance and coordination issues

Do you ever feel like your feet have a mind of their own? Or perhaps you find yourself stumbling more often than you used to? If so, it may be time to pay closer attention to your balance and coordination. These abilities, often taken for granted, play a crucial role in everyday life. From walking and climbing stairs to simply reaching for a glass of water, balance and coordination are essential for maintaining independence and staying active.

As you age, it’s not uncommon for your balance and coordination to decline. In fact, balance disorders affect millions of older adults worldwide. But how do you know if your symptoms are cause for concern?

This article will explore the common signs and symptoms of balance and coordination issues, helping you determine whether it’s time to seek further evaluation. It will discuss the potential causes behind these symptoms and offer tips on how to improve your balance and coordination through simple exercises and lifestyle adjustments.

Symptoms checker for balance and coordination

You may find yourself stumbling or feeling unsteady on your feet, or notice that your coordination isn’t what it used to be. These balance and coordination issues can be quite common as you age, but they can also be a sign of an underlying neurological condition. In this section, we’ll explore some key symptoms to help you determine if your balance and coordination need attention.

1. Feeling unsteady on your feet

If you frequently experience a sensation of unsteadiness or have difficulty maintaining your balance, it could be an indication of a balance disorder. This may manifest as lightheadedness, dizziness, or even a feeling like the room is spinning around you. Pay attention to how often this occurs and if it impacts your daily activities.

2. Frequent tripping or falling

Have you noticed that you’re tripping over objects more often than usual? Do you find yourself losing your balance and falling unexpectedly? These incidents can be warning signs that something is off with your coordination. It’s important to take note of any falls or near-falls and discuss them with your doctor.

WHO Facts and Figures on Falls:
Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide.Each year an estimated 684 000 individuals die from falls globally of which over 80% are in low- and middle-income countries.Adults older than 60 years of age suffer the greatest number of fatal falls.37.3 million falls that are severe enough to require medical attention occur each year.

3. Trouble walking in a straight line

Difficulty walking straight may indicate balance and coordination issues


Walking in a straight line may seem like a simple task, but it can be quite challenging for some individuals with balance and coordination issues. If you find yourself veering to one side while walking or having difficulty keeping a straight path, it’s worth investigating further.

4. Difficulty with fine motor skills

Balance and coordination issues can also affect your fine motor skills, which involve precise movements of the hands and fingers. For example, you may struggle to button your shirt or use utensils while eating. If these tasks become increasingly difficult, it’s important to seek medical advice.

5. Changes in posture

Pay attention to any changes in your posture. Are you noticing that you’re slouching more or having difficulty maintaining an upright position? Changes in posture can be a sign of muscle weakness or balance problems, both of which warrant further investigation.

6. Nausea and motion sensitivity

In addition to physical symptoms, balance disorders can also cause nausea or a general feeling of motion sensitivity. Certain movements, such as turning your head or getting up from a seated position, may trigger these sensations. If you experience these symptoms alongside issues with balance and coordination, it’s crucial to bring them up with your doctor.

Does it mean you have neurological issues?

Experiencing one or two of these symptoms may not necessarily indicate a serious issue. However, if you’re consistently experiencing multiple symptoms or they’re impacting your quality of life, it’s important to consult with a doctor. They can help determine the underlying cause and develop a plan to address your balance and coordination concerns.

You may be experiencing balance and coordination issues due to muscle weakness, inner ear problems, certain medications, and vision changes like cataracts and glaucoma. You should consider going to the doctor for a holistic health symptoms analysis to eliminate other potential causes in case you don’t have neurological symptoms.

However, this is not to say that neurological conditions cannot impact balance and coordination. Various neurological conditions can contribute to these issues in older adults. Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), and stroke are examples of conditions that can affect the nervous system and disrupt motor control.

If you’re experiencing persistent balance problems alongside other neurological symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a neurologist for a comprehensive evaluation. There are also proactive steps you can take for better balance and coordination.

How to improve balance and coordination

Staying active can boost balance and coordination

Having good balance and coordination is crucial for maintaining independence and preventing falls, especially as you age. If you’ve been experiencing balance and coordination issues, it’s important not to ignore these symptoms. This section will lay out some practical tips and exercises that can help improve your balance and coordination.

1. Stay active

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining balance and coordination. Engaging in activities like walking, dancing, or tai chi can help strengthen the muscles involved in balance and improve your overall stability. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

2. Strengthen your core

Your core muscles play a vital role in maintaining proper balance. Strengthening exercises such as planks, bridges, or yoga can help improve your core strength, leading to better stability.

3. Practise tai chi

Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that focuses on slow and controlled movements, promoting balance, flexibility, and muscle strength. Taking a tai chi class or following instructional videos can be a great way to enhance your balance skills.

4. Try balance training exercises

Simple exercises like standing on one leg for increasing durations or walking heel-to-toe in a straight line can challenge your balance system and improve coordination. Start with support nearby (such as a table or chair) if needed and gradually increase difficulty as you become more confident.

5. Check your medications

Some medications can cause dizziness or unsteadiness, affecting your balance. Talk to your doctor about any medications you’re taking that may be contributing to your symptoms.


Understanding and recognizing the symptoms of balance and coordination issues is crucial for maintaining your overall well-being. By being aware of the signs that your body gives you, you can take proactive steps to address any potential concerns and seek appropriate medical attention if needed.

Remember, if you experience frequent falls, dizziness, unsteady gait, or difficulty with coordination, it’s important to consult with a doctor. They can help identify the underlying cause of these symptoms and provide guidance on the best course of action.

Additionally, there are online tests available that can assist in assessing your balance and coordination. Taking advantage of these resources can provide valuable insights into your neurological health and help you make informed decisions about your next steps.

Ivory is an organisation that understands the importance of staying informed about your brain health. Visit their website for more information on balance disorders, symptoms analysis, and ways to support your neurological well-being. You can also benefit from finding out your cognitive age and how it compares to your actual age.

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